dimecres, 22 d’abril del 2009

Cold spelt end of dinosaurs

The experts always said that the dinosaurs extinction has caused to the fall of an asteroid 65 million years ago in the Cretaceous period. But a group of Australian experts have discovered that many dinosaurs could survive but was definetly cold temperature what killed all the survivers of the asteroid.

"People have suggested that climate change is the reason dinosaurs started to decline" - Dr Angela Milner, Natural History Museum

But maybe it can be the answer of his final extinction like australian experts afirm because they have confirmed with dinosaurs rests where there are marked temperature changes.

extinction - extinció
survive - sobreviure
Cretaceous period - període cretàcic


US woman gets dead fiance's sperm

A New York woman named Gisela Marrero has done the most unusual thing that world ever seen. Did you think that you could have a son after your partner's death? Gisela Marrero has answered this question doing it.

The day before her partner's death, Johnny Quintana, they spoke about have another child and they thought about his future. But they didn't expect the man would die of heart attack. After Johnny's death, Gisela wanted to do their dreams real and she has extract his semen and use it to has their wished son.

She had She had "only 36 hours semen before it would have become unusable" - says her. For this reason, with an order to do it, she wanted to do in the same hospital where were her partner's cadaver. They were together, but in different ways.

semen - esperma
heart attack - atac de cor
unusable - inútil


Pau & Roger



While Paulino and Roger are walking in a dark street…

- You, Roger, you know we are walking in a poor street?
- Yes. It’s dangerous at night.
- However it’s lovely in day.
- Yes if is it sunny.
- And cloudy
- And raining
- NO! You’re a disaster, you make me forgive where we are.
- Oh, I’m sorry, you must have attention uuhhhhhh
- Don’t laugh Roger, don’t laugh idiot
- I think that I’ve hear a noise.
- Don’t lie me please, I’m very frightened
- Me too Paulino.
- Where you hear the noise
- miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaau

(For who don’t know Nuri, she has panic at cats)

Korean killer gets death penalty

In a lot of countries the death penalty has been eliminated. But there are countries that uses to frighteen people because it doesn't works in practice. Korea was one of this countries for ten years ago. This year, a north korean killer has been arrested and sentenced to death penalty.

His case is very unusual because he murdered ten people, including his wife and his mother-in-law. The last crime he did has been a murder of a north korean student girl. Police arrested him, but they don't thought with the surprise that murder brought. He confessed that he murdered ten girls and he buryed seven of their.

I think that death penalty have to be eliminated because it's the same crime killers do. But there are people that recognize that these people don't must to be in our world if they come to hurt people.

death penalty - pena de mort
mother-in-law - sogre
murder - assassí


diumenge, 12 d’abril del 2009

Gary Jules - Mad world

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for the daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere

Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles its a very, very
Mad world, mad world

Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy birthday, happy birthday
And I feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen

Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me, what's my lesson?
Look right through me, look right through me

And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles its a very, very
Mad world, mad world, enlarging your world
Mad world

Tot al meu voltant són cares conegudes
llocs gastats, cares gastades.
Llistes i despertes per a les seves carreres diàries
cap a cap lloc, cap a cap lloc.

Les seves llàgrimes entelen les ulleres
inexpresives, inexpresives.
Oculto el meu cap,
vull ofegar-me en la meva pena
no hi ha demà, no hi ha demà.

En certa manera resulta divertit, en certa manera trista.
Els somnis en els quals agonitzo són els millors que he tingut.
Resulta dur de dir, dur d'acceptar
quan la gent camina en cercles.
És un món boig.

Nens esperant el dia que se sentiran bé feliç
naixament, feliç naixaments
programats per a sentir en la manera
haurien d'assentar-se i escoltar, asseu-te i escolta.

En el col•legi estava molt nerviós
ningú em coneixia, ningú em coneixia.
Mestre digues-me com és la lliçó
mira a través de la meva, mira a través de la meva.

En certa manera resulta divertit, en certa manera trista.
Els somnis en els quals agonitzo són els millors que he tingut.
Resulta dur de dir, dur d'acceptar
quan la gent camina en cercles.
És un món boig. amplia el teu món.
Món boig.

Beatles - Love me do

Love me do, love me do
You know I love you
I'll always be true
So please, love me do
Ho ho love me do

Love me do, love me do
You know I love you
I'll always be true
So please, love me do
Ho ho love me do

Someone to love
Somebody new
Someone to love
Someone like you

Love me do, love me do
You know I love you
I'll always be true
So please, love me do
Ho ho love me do

Love me do, love me do
You know I love you

I'll always be true
So please, love me do
Ho ho love me do

Amor, estima'm
tu saps que jo t'estimo
que sempre et seré fidel
així que per favor, estima'm
oh oh, estima'm

Amor, estima'm
tu saps que jo t'estimo
que sempre et seré fidel
així que per favor, estima'm
oh oh, estima'm

Estimar a algú
algú a qui no conegui
Estimar a algú
algú com tu amor

Amor, estima'm
tu saps que jo t'estimo
que sempre et seré fidel
així que per favor, estima'm
oh oh, estima'm

Amor, estima'm
tu saps que jo t'estimo
que sempre et seré fidel
així que per favor, estima'm
oh oh, estima'm

dijous, 9 d’abril del 2009

Placebo - Song to say goodbye

You are one of God’s mistakes
You crying, tragic waste of skin
I’m well aware of how it aches
And you still won’t let me in
Now I’m breaking down your door
To try and save your swollen face
Though I don’t like you anymore
You lying, trying waste of space

Before our innocence was lost
You were always one of those
Blessed with lucky sevens
And the voice that made me cry

My, oh my

You were mother nature’s son
Someone to whom I could relate
Your needle and your damage done
Remains a sordid twist of fate
Now I’m trying to wake you up
To pull you from the liquid sky
‘Cause if I don’t we’ll both end up
With just your song to say goodbye

My, oh my
A song to say goodbye
A song to say goodbye
A song to say -
Before our innocence was lost
You were always one of those
Blessed with lucky sevens
And the voice that made me cry

It’s a song to say goodbye

Vostè és un dels errors de Déu
Vostè cridant, la despesa tràgica de pell
estic bé conscient de com això dol
i vostè encara no em deixarà entrar
Ara espatllo la seva porta
Per a intentar i estalviar la seva cara augmentada
Encara que no m'agradi vostè més
Vostè la mentida, la temptativa les escombraries d'espai

Abans que la nostra innocència fora perduda
Vostè era sempre un d'aquells
Beneïts amb afortunats sevens i la veu que em va fer cridar

El meu, ah el meu

Vostè era el fill de la Mare Naturalesa
Algú a qui jo podria relacionar
La seva agulla i el seu dany
Restes fetes d’una torcedura sòrdida de destinació
Ara tracte de despertar-se
fins a l'estirada del cel líquid
la Causa si no faig ambdós acabarem aixacan
solament la seva cançó per a dir adéu!

La meva, ah la meva
una cançó per a dir adéu!
una cançó per a dir adéu!
una cançó per a dir –
Abans de la nostra innocència va ser perduda
Vostè era sempre un d'aquells
Beneïts amb afortunats setens i la veu que em va fer cridar

Això és una cançó per a dir adéu!

dimarts, 7 d’abril del 2009

Wimbledon (fragment)

An older tennis player, Peter Colt, is in the final of his career. He want to participate in his last competition, the Wimbledon tournament. Ranked in 119th position, everybody remember him for a player who arrives to 11th position in rank ATP, grandmothers generally. Only their family think they can win Wimbledon, 'cause they're dreamers.

Peter has a tennis player friend with who trains, Dieter Prohl, in the same position as him. Peter has eliminated all their tennis ambitions and him and his trainer partner want to finish his career playing to fun. But Peter Colt didn't know what was been waiting for him in tournament and which changes in his life will bring it.

Wimbledon begins. Tv, radio, journalists, public, all people think that Peter Colt won't advance to next round, or simply, they don't know that Peter Colt exists. All people is concentrated in number one, a pretty and young tennis player that want to wins Wimbledon. But everything isn't lost to Peter.

He begins his stage in Wimbledon going to an hotel, where the recepcionist will give him the key for the most luxury suite. In this room, he find a pretty girl having a shower. For this reason he want to sleep in other room, but thinking about her.

He starts to train throwing balls against tins when, lucky, appear the woman of shower who laugh to him, a tenis player too. This woman, Lizzie Bradbury, is an american tennis star who comes to win Wimbledon in her category. All journalists and medias are crazy with her and more than others, his father-manager Dennis Bradbury who protects her to do anything. She have to be concentrated.

Lizzies invite Peter to his room, and finally, they fall in love. While Peter is playing his first match, which is losing, Lizzies appears among public. React to see her, Peter wins the match. In second round, he have to play against his friend Dieter. Peter wins. Everybody is confusing about Peter play, he has never played like now. How he has change his play? The answer of this question is a girl name.

tins - llauna
luxury - luxós
career - carrera esportiva